First Dj Hero Details: Turntable Controller , Guitar Co-Op ~ ZoneWebTech

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First Dj Hero Details: Turntable Controller , Guitar Co-Op

Recent Activision acquisition FreeStyleGames is hard at work on DJ Hero, a music rhythm game that will let gamers scratch to the beat of popular mash-ups with a laptop turntable peripheral, informed sources tell us today.The game, which has been in development for nearly two years, is expected to hit shelves next summer and will likely include the ability to use Guitar Hero guitars for versus mode face-offs.In the latest form, the device looks a lot like a simplified DJ Deck.To play you will have to either hold a sample button and scratch, just hold a button or just scratch as the neon icons flow around the virtual vinyl.Currently the wireless controller has grooves molded into the bottom so it will sit comfortably in a player's lap, though the team is also looking into legs for the deck so gamers can play while standing up.

*That's not a picture of the controller.


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